Blog as a book: “keeping the essence” is out this week.

The idea for a new book: why turn the blog into a book?

A few months ago, over a cappuccino with my friend, the idea of taking some of my blog posts and turning them into a book began to take shape in my mind. A book and a blog are two quite distinct things. Blogs are fluid, they move, can be edited and some read them regularly,  others just dip into them from time to time and there are those who stumble across your blog when looking for something very specific like, Halloween teaching ideas, for instance.

A book from a blog

A book is more of an object even when it is an ebook. It is  a much tighter product than a blog, it is an entity in its own right and serves different purposes. The main aim of my book was to discover and highlight some of the main themes that flow through the blog, such as exams or professional development. The book is designed both for professional educators already working in elt and also for those who are perhaps just starting out, or are doing training courses. The structure or  frame of the book revolves around questions, the questions teachers often ask or want to ask but don’t know who to ask. A question is followed by an adapted blogpost from this very blog you are reading right now, and the section concludes with discussion questions. A classic structure, perhaps but ine that can be used by individual readers thinking about their own teaching, and can be adapted by teacher trainers too. 
At the risk of blowing my own trumpet, I’m writing about it here because, you are reading my blog and it is only fair that you should know about the book too. 🙂 This blog is all about reflecting on your teaching practice, and that is just as true of the book. Reflection, I believe, is key in all areas of life.

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